Thursday, December 4, 2008

Vocab Poem

Vrrr thump. Vrrr thump thump. Little scraps of paper, an old staple, a crusty old cheerio all vacuumed away. Man that car was bedraggled. Call it what you please asinine, naïve, or stupid but inside the left cup holder next to the drivers seat were three little microcosms of my world. They were small balls of clay, perfectly shaped and as colorful as a rainbow. I had given them to my mom after she had picked me up from pre-school. Bright Beginnings. They sat in the cup holder for a long time. Simple symbols of love. I would take them and roll them in my hands and even though the sun had baked them into hard flaky balls they still retained that smell- that smell of youth. Got everything you need Mam? It will take about twenty minutes; you are welcomed to wait in the lobby area. A strange mixture of fake pine scent, citrus, and cigarettes hung heavy in the air. Soft somber muzac played. The receptionist looked like a wax figurine a small permanent counterfeit smile tattooed on her face. Where’s Waldo was growing old and it was time for our car to go through the obstacle course of foam, fans, scrubbers, and rubbers and I was going to have a front row seat. There she was- the old Plymouth Voyager undergoing another gallant journey. And as she emerged through the flaps of an all to familiar expedition my heart sank. I had abandoned them there, forlorn and nonpareil to the sucking, washing, and drying of the car wash. No sir I didn’t get everything I needed- my childhood dreams were still sitting in the cup holder. MOM! I left them in there! Do you think they swept them up!? What are you talking about honey? The clay pearls I made! Oh, I’m sure they are still there, now calm down we are almost out of here. A cool pseudo reassuring smile and a fraudulent pat on the hand. Cha- Ching! That will be Thirteen Ninety Five Mam. Would you like them to wax it for an additional four ninety-nine? Please say no! Please say no! Please say no! I just want to get out and see if they are still in there please please please let them be there. No, another time maybe. Thank God! I looked up and caught one of the counterfeit smiles. A mad dash to the car unlock the door unlock the door! There not there. Oh, honey you can make more. My childhood dreams that smell of a carefree youth with no worries but only hope- replaced with a complementary artificial pine scent air freshener. Come See Us Again. Have A Great Day.

1 comment:

APLITghosts said...

oh how sad. what color were they, and how many did you lose. i really like the way you told the story inside the story and i can totally put myself in that car cleaning place. - elmeer