Wednesday, May 6, 2009

stranger theme card

The Stranger Theme Card

• "Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don't know. I got a telegram from the home: 'Mother deceased. Funeral tomorrow. Faithfully yours.' That doesn't mean anything Maybe it was yesterday."
• " I blurted out that it was because of the sun. People laughed"
• "He stated that I had no place in a society whose most fundamental rules I ignored and that I could not appeal to the same human heart whose elementary response I knew nothing of"
• A minute later she asked me if I loved her. I told her it didn't mean anything but that I didn't think so.
• "Then I fired four more times at the motionless body where the bullets lodged without leaving a trace. And it was like knocking four quick times on the door of unhappiness"

5 Subjects !
• Death
• Alienation
• Judgement
• Absurdity
• Individuality
3 Conflicts
• Man vs Himself
• Man vs Society
• Conformity vs individualism
4 Vehicles !
• Foreshadowing
• Imagery
• Irony
• Tone

Major Characters!
• Meursault
• Raymond
• The Arab
• Prosecutor
• Chaplain
• -Magistrate
• -Marie

Monday, May 4, 2009


Everything we see and everything we say has a purpose. Even if that purpose is to not have a purpose, there is still a purpose. The media uses a variety forms of advertising to appeal to our different senses in order to get us, the consumers, intrigued in a certain product. Each ad they present to the public has a sender, message, emotion, language and logic behind it. It is important for us to be perceptive of these intentions in order not to be looped into their marketing trap.
E*trade is an online banking company that believes its resources are so easy to use a baby can do it. Clearly trying to get the consumer to use their online banking instead of any other boring and complex competitors. The ad is fairly simple, a baby talking directly to you, the audience and consumer, while doing so he gets on his brand new phone. This phone is a top of the line expensive blackberry most likely nicer and newer than the majority of the audiences phones , already subconsciously creating a complex in your mind that you need that phone and whatever service they are offering. This service they are offering you just happens to be something in which you could invest your money and then have enough to afford that phone. Coincidence, I think not! The first topic up for discussion happens to be none other than the principle this country was built upon, freedom. By using E*Trade mobile pro, you too could be a free man, you will be able to "go anywhere you want", now isn't that every mans dream?
While talking to you, explaining how you can achieve the dream every person vies for by using this mobile online banking and trading service on your brand new shiny phone the baby gets an e-mail from, yes you guessed it, a girl! Now not only does he have the ultimate ideological dream of freedom by using this service but he also gets every mans fantasy- GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS! Mix in a cool hip ringtone that interrupts him, because the girls want him so badly, and you have what society perceives as every mans desires- freedom, money, cool new electronics, girls, and popularity.
Obviously he can not answer the phone with the typical hello but must say "Hey girl!" and then proceeds to as her if he can "hit her back". This slang language is used to add an element of coolness, and you would get that too if you just used this mobile trading service.
The commercial ends with a rapid fire explanation of the company and this new service and how you could join a community of people who use it because after all there are a thousand new accounts a day! E*Trade pulls out every stop from humor in the use of a talking baby to the potential of receiving your every dream by using their service in order to get you hooked into their product, but the real kicker to all this is- they do it all in just thirty seconds.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Song explication

London calling to the faraway towns
Now war is declared and battle come down
London calling to the underworld
Come out of the cupboard you boys and girls
London calling, now don't lecture us

Phoney Beatlemania has bitten the dust

London calling, see we ain't got no swing

'Cept for the reign of that truncheon thing

The ice age is coming, the sun is zooming in

Meltdown expected, the wheat is growing thin

Engines stop running, but I have no fear

'Cause London is drowning and I live by the river

London calling to the imitation zone

Forget it, brother you can go at it alone

London calling to the zombies of death

Quit holding out and draw another breath

London calling and I don't wanna shout

But while we were talking I saw you running out

London calling see we ain't got no high

Except for that one with the yellowy eyes

The ice age is coming, the sun is zooming in

Engines stop running, the wheat is growing thin

A nuclear error, but I have no fear

'Cause london is drowning and I, I live by the river

The ice age is coming, the sun zooming in

Engines stop running, the wheat is growing thin

A nuclear error, but I have no fear

'Cause London is drowning and I, I live by the river

Now get this, London calling, yes, I was there, too

And you know what they said well some of it was true

London calling at the top of the dial

And after all this, won't you give me a smile?

London calling, I never felt so much alive alive alive alive

London Calling by The Clash

The Clash's hit song "London Calling" was released in 1979 on their album London Calling. Many of their songs have roots in English history and events as evident in this song. The song uses striking images, allusions and juxtaposition throughout to illustrate an apocalyptic world which all citizens were facing during the Cold War.
The title of not only the album and song is also the opening words off the track, "London calling." This is an allusion to when BBC would identify themselves when broadcasting into other countries during World War II, always beginning with the phrase " This is London calling..." The song begins with London first "calling to faraway towns" then it immediately follows by "calling to the underworld" which conjures images of cities ravaged by war like they were during WWII and might be if the Cold War they were in the midst of escalated anymore.
Not only was the world in the middle of its own crisis but the band was also. One can tell that the band was struggling when London calls upon them, "London calling, now don't lecture us Phoney Beatlemania has bitten the dust." The punk rock band was left in the dust of the English punk rock phenomena that was The Beatles.
The song references the growing social violence England was experiencing, "London calling, see we ain't got no swing 'cept for the reign of that truncheon thing." The repetition of the t's in "truncheon thing" creates a harsh sound similar to the yelling often heard during riots common during the time. In the line truncheon is the only word with two syllables mimic the beatings many felt under the baton. Another growing social issue during the time was the casual drug use by the English as illustrated in the line "London calling see we ain't got no high except for that one with the yellowy eyes."
The chorus of the song is a series highly descriptive apocalyptic images. An "ice age", the "sun zooming in", a "meltdown", "engines stop running", and "wheat growing thin." However graphic these images are what truly brings terror is "London drowning" referring to the people's fear of the flooding of the River Thames and a "nuclear error" referring to the Three Mile Island incident these two instances struck people to their core and had them paralyzed with fear, all but the speaker whose response juxtaposes the images. He is happy that he " lives by the river" and has "no fear" of nuclear problems.
It is this apathetic slightly removed attitude toward these serious issues that is reflected in the tone and cadence of the song. The entire structure of the song is based around life threating circumstances and its steady beat only intensifies with the growing threats. The songs constant pounding beat adds to the tension felt throughout the situations in the song. It is almost as if the song takes on a pulse of its own making the listener nervous and paranoid but this speaker feeds of this energy never feeling "so much alive alive alive alive"

Friday, February 20, 2009


another day passes and it sits upon my desk
just another thing to be thrown in the trash
many have held you in their hands
but it doesn't matter in the end
because you will forever be my half empty glass

no one respects what is in my glass
many just tell me to clear my desk
i see it floating in bubbles in space
but others just toss it is the trash
because they don't care what happens in the end
as long as they have it in their greedy little hands

sometimes you slip from my hands
and can be quite a pain in my glass
but i would rather have you in the end
sitting upon my desk then being someone's discarded thrash
you will always be my wasted space

it is funny how in our worlds space
you can be made a product in the right hands
consume, consume, consume and pitch in the trash
because no one wants a glass made of glass
that would be too cumbersome on a luxurious desk
so let this not be the bitter end

for you can redeem yourself in the end
and not be another particle clogging our space
if you go from a corner of a desk
into the right hands
that can carry the sacred glass
to the recycling and bypass the trash

they say "why keep a half empty piece of trash?
just hurry up and bring its end
later just buy another glass
and save yourself some space"
they just want you out of my hands
to focus me to what's upon my desk

but don't you worry my little water glass, I won't put you in the trash.
You breathe life into this desk and i will finish you in the end.
But for now don't you worry about the space because you are precious in my hands.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

V-day Found Poem


I was your everyday wild thing
Never to be caged by some silly ring
Up until that fateful day-
When I walked into the café
I could have cared less about the china glaze
That was before you put me in a haze.

You set everything in motion
That cup of haute chocolate your potion
I was lost in the cool water of your eyes
I didn’t even notice the other guys.
You smelled so good, like Calvin Klein and red velvet cupcake
From this dream I never wanted to wake.

Our friends called us a modern day Romeo and Juliet
We outlasted every bet.
Deep inside the chapel of love
Our heartbeat was one – beating like the wings of a dove
Our racing ruby pulses pushed
Sweet tangerine joy through out veins gushed.
Everything was a long walk under a luminous moon
Pink diamonds, something barrowed, something blue was sure to come soon.

It was the live jazz on the green that tipped me off
When all night all you did was scoff
The smell of sugar replaced with diesel fuel
Made me feel like such a fool
Then I noticed the silver ice behind your once blue eyes
And realized you were full of lies

So I came home early one night
And found that flash of fuchsia in my sight
You brought her into our bed
Obviously you wanted to lose your head

I had become the contradiction of myself
It was time to recover and reload so I pulled the voodoo book off its shelf
No one turns my sterling silver rose black
And not expect a retaliating attack

Finally I saw you as a looser
And once they found that kilo in your cruiser
It was all dark lights for you Joe Shmo
A dim solo light on your one-man show
That will teach you not to mess with me
Because now don’t you see
You are doing time
For what you did to that heart of mine.