Friday, February 20, 2009


another day passes and it sits upon my desk
just another thing to be thrown in the trash
many have held you in their hands
but it doesn't matter in the end
because you will forever be my half empty glass

no one respects what is in my glass
many just tell me to clear my desk
i see it floating in bubbles in space
but others just toss it is the trash
because they don't care what happens in the end
as long as they have it in their greedy little hands

sometimes you slip from my hands
and can be quite a pain in my glass
but i would rather have you in the end
sitting upon my desk then being someone's discarded thrash
you will always be my wasted space

it is funny how in our worlds space
you can be made a product in the right hands
consume, consume, consume and pitch in the trash
because no one wants a glass made of glass
that would be too cumbersome on a luxurious desk
so let this not be the bitter end

for you can redeem yourself in the end
and not be another particle clogging our space
if you go from a corner of a desk
into the right hands
that can carry the sacred glass
to the recycling and bypass the trash

they say "why keep a half empty piece of trash?
just hurry up and bring its end
later just buy another glass
and save yourself some space"
they just want you out of my hands
to focus me to what's upon my desk

but don't you worry my little water glass, I won't put you in the trash.
You breathe life into this desk and i will finish you in the end.
But for now don't you worry about the space because you are precious in my hands.

1 comment:

APLITghosts said...

This is all very easy for me to imagine - you being incredibly protective of a water bottle. Love the recycle message. This is one of my faves. - elmeer